WordPress maintenance experts since 2016

Legal Notice


4 Quai Koch – 67000 Strasbourg – France

SIRET 95361625700010


1. Website Presentation

In accordance with Article 6 of French law no. 2004-575 dated June 21, 2004, regarding trust in the digital economy, users of the HOSTAY site are informed of the identities of the parties involved in the creation and maintenance of the website:



Publication Manager: Gatien Sancho

Development: Qwenty

Hosting Provider: HOSTAY – 4 Quai Koch, 67000 Strasbourg, France


2. General Terms of Use

Use of the HOSTAY website implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions described below. These terms and conditions may be modified or updated at any time, so users of the HOSTAY site are advised to check them regularly. The site is normally accessible to users at all times. However, HOSTAY may decide to temporarily suspend access for technical maintenance, and will endeavor to notify users of the dates and times of any planned interventions. HOSTAY updates the site content regularly, and the legal notice may be modified at any time and is binding on users.


3. Description of Services Provided

The purpose of the HOSTAY website is to provide information on all activities of the company. HOSTAY strives to provide the most accurate information possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for any omissions, inaccuracies, or deficiencies in the updates, whether due to its own actions or those of third-party partners providing this information. All information provided on the HOSTAY website is for reference only and is subject to change. Additionally, the information on the HOSTAY site is not exhaustive and may be modified after publication.


4. Technical Limitations

This site uses JavaScript technology. The website cannot be held responsible for any material damage related to the use of the site. Users agree to access the site using recent, virus-free hardware with an updated browser.


5. Intellectual Property and Infringements

HOSTAY owns the intellectual property rights or holds the rights to use all elements accessible on the site, including text, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, and software. Any reproduction, modification, publication, or adaptation of any part of the site, by any means or process, is prohibited without prior written permission from HOSTAY. Unauthorized exploitation of any part of the site will be considered an infringement and prosecuted according to articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


6. Limitation of Liability

HOSTAY cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user’s equipment when accessing the site, resulting either from the use of non-compliant equipment or the occurrence of a bug or incompatibility. HOSTAY is also not responsible for indirect damages (such as loss of market share or loss of opportunity) arising from the use of the site. Interactive spaces, such as the contact section, are available to users. HOSTAY reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any content in this space that contravenes French law, especially data protection regulations. HOSTAY may also pursue civil and/or criminal liability against users, particularly in cases of racist, offensive, defamatory, or pornographic messages, regardless of the medium used.


7. Personal Data Management

In France, personal data is protected by law no. 78-87 of January 6, 1978, law no. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code, and the European Directive of October 24, 1995. While using the HOSTAY website, the following data may be collected: the URL through which the user accessed the site, the user’s internet service provider, and the user’s IP address. HOSTAY only collects personal information for specific services offered on the site, and users provide this information knowingly, particularly when they enter it themselves. Users are informed whether providing this information is obligatory. According to law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, on data processing, files, and freedoms, all users have the right to access, correct, and oppose their personal data. This right can be exercised by sending a written and signed request, with a copy of their ID and the address where the response should be sent. No personal information about the HOSTAY website user is published, exchanged, transferred, assigned, or sold without the user’s consent. In the case of HOSTAY being acquired along with its rights, the data can be transferred to the acquirer under the same obligation of confidentiality. Databases are protected by the law of July 1, 1998, transposing directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996, on the legal protection of databases.


8. Hyperlinks and Cookies

The HOSTAY site contains hyperlinks to other websites, established with HOSTAY’s permission. However, HOSTAY does not have the ability to verify the content of these external sites and thus assumes no responsibility for them. Browsing the HOSTAY website may lead to the installation of cookie(s) on the user’s device, which record information about browsing on the site. This information helps improve navigation and allows for website traffic analysis. Users can block cookies by adjusting their browser settings, though doing so may restrict access to certain services.


9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Any dispute related to the use of the HOSTAY site is governed by French law. Exclusive jurisdiction is assigned to the competent courts in Strasbourg, FRANCE.


10. Key Applicable Laws

•Law no. 78-87 of January 6, 1978, as amended by law no. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, on data processing, files, and freedoms.

•Law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, on trust in the digital economy.


11. Glossary

User: The internet user connecting to and using the aforementioned site.

Personal Information: “Information that allows, in any form, directly or indirectly, the identification of individuals to whom it applies” (article 4 of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978).